Úvod » HRY, PUZZLE A KARTY » Red Dog, Blue Dog Game (Orchard Toys)
První barevné loto s veselými postavičkami, které si děti zamilují.
Hra obsahuje základní barvy, které se děti učí a spojují - červenou, modrou, fialovou, zelenou, oranžovou a žlutou. Když hrajete s mladšími a staršími dětmi dohromady, můžete povzbuzovat starší děti, aby říkaly slova barev nahlas.
This first colour matching lotto game features fun and friendly illustrations of everyday characters and objects which children will recognise, from teddy bears to cars to bunnies. Played as a simple lotto game with each player having their own board, players are encouraged to match the bold coloured cards to the pictures on their board by both item and colour.
The game features a variety of colours for children to learn and match, including red, blue, purple, green, orange and yellow. When playing with younger and older children, encourage older children to read the words of the colours aloud as well as matching the cards by colour and shape for an extra challenge.